Visual Adaptation to Causality


Pre-adaptation block: Test ambiguous 1:1 event

This is an example of eighteen trials from the pre-adaptation block with a launching (1:1) test event. Participants were instructed to look at the fixation dot and indicate whether each event was a "launch" or a "pass"

Post-adaptation block, Experiment 1

An example from the post-adaptation block of a top-up stream of 16 launching adaptation events followed by a single test trial.

Post-adaptation block, triggering adaptation (Exp. 2)

An example from the post-adaptation block of a top-up stream of 16 triggering adaptation events as well as an amibguous (1:3) triggering event. There were two triggering adaptation conditions, one with this test event, and one with a 1:1 test event.

Post-adaptation block, entraining adaptation (Exp. 2)

An example from the post-adaptation block of a top-up stream of 16 entraining adaptation events as well as an amibguous (1:1) test event.

Post-adaptation block, launching without stopping (Exp. 3)

An example from the post-adaptation block of a top-up stream of 16 launching-without-stopping events as well as an ambiguous (1:1) test event.